The city of Medea is located in the center of the country in the heart of the Tellian Atlas in the region of titterie, it is a transit area and a link between the Tell and the Sahara, and between the Highlands of the East and those of the West. The wilaya of Médéa is a mountainous city which is an integral part of the Tell region and is located in the Atlas tellien and is thus characterized by a high altitude and an uneven relief enclosing some plains of low extension. In the south, it extends to the borders of the high steppe plains. The climate of Medea is distinguished by characteristics due to its position on the mountains of the Tellian Atlas and its altitude which reaches 1 240 m as well as its exposure to the winds and the waves of currents coming from the West.

La Conférence Internationale de l'Electronique, l'Energie et la Mesure, IC2EM-2023

The Laboratory of Instrumentation at USTHB, the Laboratory of Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics at Djelfa University with the University Yahia Fares of Medea organize the International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement, IC2EM’2023 on November 28-30, 2023. The conference provides opportunity to bring scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and industrial establishments to present and discuss the latest results in the field of electronics, instrumentation and measurement, sensors and energy. This event follows the previous edition of the international conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement that was held in 2019. (The proceeding of the conference will be included in IEEExplore database after approval of the technical sponsorship from IEEE OU and IEEE).

Conference Topics

Authors are invited to submit papers within the following topics, but not restricted to:
Electronic Systems
Analog circuits, Digital circuits, Microwaves systems, Embedded systems
Energy Systems
Renewable energy, Hybrid energy systems, Energy storage, Energy efficiency, Smart grid
Metrology and standards, Laboratory accreditation, Data acquisition systems, Virtual measurement systems
Sensors technology and modeling, Advanced in sensing materials, Smart sensors and IoT, Biomedical Instrumentation
Signal and image processing, RF and wireless technology, Networks and cryptography, Optical fiber technology
Power Electronics and Drives
Modelling, Topologies, Control, Diagnostics







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